News from the Nurse

Welcome back!

The school nurses are looking forward to the new school year.  We are excited to see returning students and to meet new students.  As your child heads back to the classroom, here are a few reminders to help them  have a healthy start.

Medications:  Whenever possible, medication should be scheduled during non-school hours.  If your child needs to take medication during school hours, please be sure to complete the medication authorization form. This can be found by clicking on the Student Health Forms link.  Student Health Forms

Non-prescription medication (Tylenol, Advil, cold medications, etc.) can be given with a parent signature only.  Prescription medication that exceeds two weeks school administration require the Physician portion of the medication authorization form to be completed by your child’s doctor.  If your student has an emergency medication like an EpiPen or inhaler, be sure to provide that to the nurse’s office at the beginning of the year. Nothing is more frightening for a student than being unable to breathe and not having their inhaler available. 

When to stay home:  One of the best ways to prevent the spread of illness is to stay home if you are sick.  Keep your child home from school if they have a temperature over 100 degrees without fever reducing medication in the last 24 hours, if they have vomited during the morning or at night or have an uncontrolled cough.

Screenings:   Vision and hearing screening is planned this fall for all students in grades 1,3 and 5.  This is a very basic screening. If a student does not pass, they will be rescreened 1:1 with the nurse.  If they still do not pass, a note will be sent home to recommend that they be checked by their provider. If you have concerns at anytime about your child’s vision or hearing, you may contact the nurse to request a screening.

Head checks: Head lice are a common problem among school age children.  They are not dangerous and they do not transmit diseases. The Minnesota Department of Health encourages parents to check their children’s heads for lice or nits(eggs) on a regular basis throughout the year.  Families should not depend on someone else to check a child’s head as this may delay treatment.

Allergies: Many students have food and environmental allergies. Please keep this in mind.  We strive to make the school a safe place for everyone.

Tips to help your school year start right  

  • Make sure immunizations are up to date.
  • Review hygiene tips to prevent the spread of infection
  • Establish a bedtime and wake up time to ensure adequate and consistent sleep.
  • Eat breakfast each day at home or at school
  • Help make appropriate clothing choices.
  • Update the school with any changes in parent contact information.

For parents of students with health concerns:        

  • Advise the school nurse and teachers of your student’s health concern and provide any updates on their status since last year. 
  • Bring current, signed health care provider orders for medications or health care needs at school.
  • Make sure that contact and emergency backup information are up to date.

 As always, feel free to contact us with concerns or questions.

We wish you a healthy and safe school year!

Pam and Sheila

[email protected]

Elementary Nurse’s Office:  507-263-6800 ext. 1262 High School Nurse's office: 507-263-6800 ext. 1435